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OCR: 11 Using MED Paths - Mo Sampler 11 Return of "The Ripper" Starring Michael Richmond as "The Ripper" Written with ProText Published by H.U.G. Thanks to ... Datel Electronics for the BEST ripper ever Tei jo Kinnunen and RBF Software for OctaMED Ed Wiles for the VS Keyboard Shortcuts and Richard and Chris for M.U.G. Contents Prologue Scone List Scene 1 - Getting Ready Scene 2 - Saving one 3 - Using SLIST and MED paths Appendix 1 - OctaMED v1/v2 Appendix 2 - Action Replay Appendix 3 - Utopia Appendix 4 - Copyright Appendix 5 - Making disks . CLI Epilogue Pro logue Welcome to part 2 of everybody's (well it must be somebody's. .. ) favourite part of Total Irrelevance - How to get by without a sampler. This time, I would like to concentrate not on obtaining sounds but storing then for casy retrieval. MED and OctaMED contain a special screen all for this purpose - SLIST. Read on for an interesting(ish) overview of MED paths. .. Scene One - Getting Ready You will need the following things to use this tutorial (for that is what it shall be) A blank disk (Don't forget to format it if you don't have the "No Sampler?" Utilities disk - available from all good PD libraries or direct from MUG - address below). The ripper program "Fraxion Ripper" from my previous article, an Action Replay cartridge or any module if you are lazy. MED or OctaMED (V3 or above recommended) Am Amiga (Mot essential ch? - Ed. ) but a good nem Now, MED paths is an immensely powerful system when used properly but is hard to use with badly structured disks so it is VERY IMPORTANT to sort out your sample disks properly - read the text below and TAKE NOTE! .- There is a support disk available for the Mo Sampler? series in. It contains all the programs mentioned in the series plus a special script that formats a disk and makes all the sample directories for you, saving you a lot of time in disk creation. Unfortunately, the script does not work under Kickstart 1.3 but most of you have a/S Z now anyway. The rest of the disk is totally v1.3 compatible - the disk is available from MUG now. - First of all, get a module from a PD demo disk or something. Then FORMAT A DISK and use Workbench, the CLI, SID, Dirwork or something similar to create sone directories for our samples. These can be anything you like. 1 use: Bass Chords Druns . Percussion Load Sound FX SynthSo You can use more, or less the mchory for samples in MED, the more you use, the less the harder it will be to find your samples again when you have a large Less you use, collection. If you have bought the TI Sample library "Drumkit Dne" disk you will see what I mean - just look how quickly the directory loads when there aren't 200 items to list! Call the disk by an INDIVIDUAL nane whatever. My personal favourite - Samples .x, ST-xx or (He's so modest ... - Ed. ) is ISN'T MIKE BRILLIANT ?- X This done, you can load up (Octa)MED. Stuck already? Don't worry - just read the excellent CLI in Appendix 5. Scene Tuo - Saving Now cones the time to save out y instruments. Load the Mod you ripped (you did rip one, didn't you?) then put in the blank, formatted disk with the drawers in it - you know, the one with an individual name! Surely you didn't forget? Once this is done, you can start thinking about RENAMING the Samples. OctaMED ul or uz users or any standard MED users can read appendix 1 after this text. Read the following section anyway because it contains some important information. If you have got the new version 5 of OctaMED, there are some major differences. Please read the text in WHITE for these. Okay ... Go through the song's samples one by one, deleting the ones you don't want with the FLUSH button in the IMST panel. DctaMED VS users select FLUSH in the INSTrument MENU or FLUSH on activate it) the Inst Parameters window (Icom below the instrument name to Once donc, remane the ones you want to a SENSIBLE mane that you can REMEMBER - Do MOT fall into the trap I fell into - Ien samples called BassDrum are NOT easy to remenber! I have recently directory-ised and renamed about 500 samples from my 11 samples disks and it is BORING !!!! A good idea is to include the sample's source in it's mane e.g TI. BassGuitar so you can find the sample by it's source rather than it's nane. I am sure you have all art one time thought "I wish I could use the BassDrum from <insert song here> but you just can't find it - I know I have! Back to the tutorial, once the instruments have all been renamed, put your samples disk into the drive and load its directory. Click on the first drawer, go to the SLIST screen then click on DIRECTORY/ADD. Mow go back to FILES, and load in the second directory, go to SLIST and click DIRECTORY/ADD and so forth until all directories have been ADDed to the SLIST. . . This is totally different in version 5. What you have to do is go to the Sample List editor window. This is done by either using the Display Menu's option or by holding Right Miga and Next you click on the button marked ADD DIR ( just below the right hand File list. Mow choose a directory with the horrible ASL file requester then click OK. Mow you can choose whether you want the directory adding to the end of the list or after the current entry. Normally you will want to add to the end but the "after current" feature can be very useful. ... Done that? Good. How you can go to each instrument in turn and click on the place you want it in the SLIST (Right hand column) then click on SAVE IMST. Do this for each instrument - choosing a destination drawer then clicking on SAVE IMST. Once finished you will have a comprehensive list of samples. Just click on the directory on the right to choose a drawer then use the list on the left to load any sample. Quick and easy- much better than loading samples from the file requester I am sure you will agree. left) In version 5, SAVE INST is below the instruments list (on the If your disk is full, don't worry just create another "Skeleton Disk" like the first one but called Samples.2 or whatever then put the directories in as before so you can save out the instruments to this disk instead. Note 1: If the sample's mane terminates with a string of numbers, don't worry it will still load. These are for loop information - The first number is the loop start and the second the loop end. Type these into the relevant boxes in the INST screen to set it up again. e.g. SynthHarp45: : 1098 Set start of loop to 45 and the end to 1098. Ok? This bug has been removed in version 5. By clicking on an instrument mame in the Sample List EDITOR, a little section at the bottom left of the window will show all these details. ust -saved night noflur Dry, the name of the instrument you have If you did not understand any the above, it will hopefully be answered in the following section Scene Three - Using the SLIST and MED_PATHS MED Paths is a file containing the SLIST. The SLIST is a list of all your samples and their positions so you can a) load then without using the file requester In version 5 this is not as bad, Click the first button to the left of the instrument name on the UPPER SCREEN to load one (or more) instruments quickly, If you select more than one instrument they will be loaded in consecutive instrument slots in alphabetical order. b) save a song as SOMG/NO INSTRUMENTS. This saves disk space because MED simply remenbers where in MED Paths the samples it uses were and loads then - straight from your samples disks - handy or what? In us you can select box in the SAVE OPTIONS window. not to save instruments with a check Surprisingly, although MED Paths is immensely useful, most MED users don't use it and very few even know what it is fort Hopefully you will find the answer to any problems you have in the following text. To load a sample from the SLIST, you just click on the directory you wish to examine in the right hand column then on the sample you want in the left hand column - in this way you needn't wait for directories to load because MED Paths is automatically loaded when you start the progran. Using V5, you can click the first gadget to the right of the current instrument name (upper screen) to load a sample from the Sample List. This saves you going into the editor cach tinc. The SLIST samples can also be loaded while a song is playing so you can experiment with different samples without having to constantly change screens/press Shift-Space to continue playing. To insert a disk into the through the file requester. SLIST Click must first load it the directory for first directory) containing the samples then click to save the SLIST once you have ou will have to start all over againt k on SAVE/S. Saving to CD is not will have to ensure that the sane time you save MED Paths. (Octa )MED the SLIST when it is loaded so you sure it is loaded. Append Ix. 1 taMED ULU2 + MES ction) then click S DE INST Appendix Z The Action Replay If you are fortu beasts, everythi see all of your load 1 e These are details of what would be the ultimate ripper - if you have written it or have found one like it in the Public Domain, please send it int - Able to rip samples and modules (in the same program) - Supports MED 4 channel, OctaMED 5-8 channel, SoundTracker 16 and 32 samples, ProTracker and MoiseTracker file formats Can play all of the above - Can save in all the above formats for PT to MED conversion (including PT tempo commands) Does not use much memory to run (Your not asking for a lot then! - Ed.) Appendix 4 COPYRIGHT It is ILLEGAL to remove modules, samples or pictures from connercial program (including licenceware and regist shareware plus all Freeware prograns with a copy message in them). It is common courtesy to avoid rip from a module with a message like "Please do not rip module" - e.g. all of the F.O.P. mods. If you do rip anyt from other peoples work, you MUST SEEK THEIR PERMIS FIRST. Even though copyright is a law that is lar unenforcable, DO NOT IMFRINGE IT - plagiarism is also the lo form of creativity. YOU COULD BE THE TEST CASE! Appendix 5 - Making disks and CLI 1. Load WorkBench 2. Double click on the WorkBench icon, then System, then CLI or shell. A small CLI window will open at the bottom or top (or middle) of the screen. 3. Insert a blank, unformatted disk in Dro: Cor Df1: if you have tuo drives ) 4. Select the disk by single clicking on it 5a. Workbench 1.3 Hold down the right mouse button, move up to the Disk menu and move the mouse down to "Initialize" then let go. 5b. Workbench 2 Same as workbench 1.3 except the menu option is "Format Disk" 6. A requester will appear asking for the disk's name - see the main body text for a point about disk naming. 7. After a couple of disk swaps (on a single drive machine) the disk will be formatted the tracks, 0 to 80 will be printed on the screen as they are formatted. The whole process takes about five minutes. Once done, click on the CLI window you opened earlier and type the following: MAKEDIR (your disk's name> <the name of the directory to make> Note : do not include the O's. If your disk's nane or the directory's name has a space in it, enclose it in double quotes. e.g. MAKEDIR "Mike's Disk 1" "A LOT OF SPACES" But, strictly, you should avoid using spaces in filenanes because it tends to make some programs trip up. After a couple more suaps Continue until you have made the directory will be made. (again see the main body text). all the directories you need Workbench 2.0 or above users can double click on the disk and select the mem iten "Meu Drawer" if they wish. If you have SID, DirWork, directory utility, simply select FORMAT DISK (it will be a CLI-Mate or a similar directories. button or menu item) and use the MAKEDIR button to make the =* There is a support disk available for the Mo Sampler? series. It contains all the programs mentioned in the series plus a special script that formats a disk and makes all the sample directories for you, saving you a lot of time in disk creation. Unfortunately, the script does not work under Kickstart 1.3 but most of you have 0/5 Z now anyway. The rest of the disk is totally v1.3 compatible - The disk is available from MUG now. .. Epilogue If I have missed anything you don't understand or if you have a request for an article you would like me to write for even ideas for MoSampler? 4 if you want to see it) do not hesitate to contact me via M.U.G. If it is a technical problem about MED, write to the Problem Clinic. Any letters slagging ne off should be sent to the Bureau. Send cheques and postal orders to net NEXT ISSUE : How to use MED SynthSounds and their programming language !!!! Michael Richmond 16/7/93 D 's. - 1333 RBE Software and Tel Jo Kinnunen MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG This article orignally appeared in the official OctaMED magazine, TI. For more information on Tl, please send a stamped, addressed envelope or international reply coupon to MED USERS GROUP, 6 Glouum Road, SWIMDON, Wiltshire, SM3 4AF, ENGLAND. This is also the address to write to if you would like to make any comments or criticisms of this article or if you would like permission to use this article in your publications,